Aggobio Oigapinte 2011 - Letter Graffiti on the Road
Mc City of the Andes, was born in 1994, at age 10 began to lean toward rap music, and with 12 years started to create their first letters, starting at rapearlas with friends, he began to record songs in 2007 but never came to light, until it began to burn in \\ "Katarsis Record \\" with avalhon, where rap began to create more coherent and serious, then starting to define the style of rap which create and decided to launch and display his own, began working in early 2009 recording tracks with friends, until in 2010 he decided to embark on a disk and to display something more "would be \\", where he began to meet people with gigs, making contact and finishing the year I finish this record, \\ "written in path \\ "With only 16 years and people had faith as Dieguelz, Flowyn, Cronelnegro, Non! tablist, among other beatmaker \\ 's mc \\' s.
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