A few days after the U.S. presidential election is almost a fact that Barack Hussein Obama will become the next "leader free world "as the Americans like to tell your president. Only a murder or some catastrophic event would prevent Obama become the first president not only black but also Hawaiian, as polls give a lead of more than 150 electoral votes (347 of 191 for McCain) and a 94% chance of success.
In my opinion only an economic crisis of the magnitude that the U.S. is experiencing is that a black candidate had the opportunity to position themselves in the situation that Obama has right now. Son of a white woman and a Kenyan man of Muslim origins, overcame adversity Barack not only to share his middle name with one of the greatest enemies of the Americans, Saddam Hussein, but also the fact that his name is very similar to an enemy greater even than Hussein, Osama bin Laden. On several occasions its promotional poster that says "OBAMA BIDEN" (for his running mate Joe Biden) was changed to "OSAMA BIN LADEN" by some wags pernicious.
However, the person who has caused anger and grace in this election has been, without doubt, the vice-presidential candidate John McCain, Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin. First is identical to the successful comedian Tina Fey (30 Rock and Saturday Night Live). Second, is the classic conservative and uneducated idiot who accuses his opponents of terrorists without further proof. Together these two factors and get one of the best series Saturday Night Live skits where Tina Fey, intelligent, liberal, mercilessly mocks Palin. The governor made an appearance last Saturday in the program to see if I could get some sympathy from the public, but the taunts continued:
may notice that Marc Wahlberg sketch appears briefly in the past complained of a sketch. She has nothing to do with the election but I think important to see the video:
And this is what happened when Wahlberg met Andy Samberg, author of the previous sketch:
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